The Exhibit...

Life After Kosovo: Refugees in Northern Albania
A UNHCR sponsored exhibit in Istanbul, Turkey (Feb. '99)

Kosovo's Children
Doubletake Magazine, Issue 17

Joint Exhibit on Politics and Conflict
House of Docs, 2002 Sundance Film Festival

The Refugee Project
Virginia Commonwealth University in Doha, Qatar 2002

The Refugee Project
Network of Oxford Women for Justice and Peace (NOW) The Museum of Oxford, U.K. 1-14 March 2003

The Refugee Project Exhibiting Exile: Installation
Center Space, University of Manitoba, Canada, December 2004

The Refugee Project, Mobile Exhibit
Ankara, Emin-Hekimgil Galerisi 5-18 March 2007; Izmir, 4 spaces on Kibris Sehitleri Caddesi 1-16 May 2007; Istanbul, 7 spaces on Istiklal Caddesi, 20 June – 22 July 2007

The Refugee Project
Bursa, Sami Güner Sergi Salonu 14-24 Nisan 2008

The Refugee Project-Darfur, Installation
Istanbul, Lycée Français Saint Benoît d'Istanbul, 21 Nisan-15 Mayis 2008